Phoenix Arizona Temple

Phoenix Arizona Temple

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

From Kady's MTC Teacher

Dear Goodly Parents, It is a pleasure to write to you having been impacted so much by your valiant sons and daughters! My name is Brother Mitchel Morris. I have worked as one of your missionary's teachers for this past week and a half of their MTC stay. I can hardly believe they will be reporting to the Travel Office tomorrow at 3am to head to the airport and fly to New Mexico! I am so proud of all they have accomplished, and you should be too! Please enjoy your son or daughter's smiling face in the attached picture as they stand with their MTC District. Again, it has been a pleasure learning from them! I am confident they love the Lord and are ready to serve Him in their respective capacities. Continue to love, support, and encourage them. They need it in the days and weeks ahead. Also, enjoy the blessings that have been, are now, and will be poured out upon you as your faithful son or daughter magnifies his/her calling. May the Lord bless you for the sacrifices you are making. Thank you for raising up a righteous generation who have answered the call of the hastening of the work! Love, Brother Morris

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