Phoenix Arizona Temple

Phoenix Arizona Temple

Monday, December 23, 2013

December 23, 2013

I figure since I will be talking with you on Wednesday, I will just share with you my testimony today :)
But first, I am very grateful to you and Dad for having made the decision to be faithful members of this Church. It has been an outstanding blessing in my life to have always had the gospel as a part of my life. It's amazing to know that I have ALWAYS known that I am a daughter of God who loves me and desires my return Home, and that I have a Savior who has made it possible for me to do that. I owe so much of my conversion to your examples and your nurture. I would have had a much slower start if I had been born to anyone else, and I am forever grateful for your righteousness and the righteousness of our family.
I am so grateful for our Heavenly Father. I know that He knows me. It's amazing how recognizing the little things in life can show how close He really is. He is fully invested into my life! And the lives of all of His children! I know that He has given us everything and continues to give. I was reading in Mosiah chapter 2, as you may know by keeping up with my Facebook page, and it is so true; we are eternally indebted to Him, because He never stops giving! I know that He loves more than I can ever love Him in this life, but I want to try to love Him more every day by keeping the commandments and learning the doctrine that He has given us to study and follow.
I know that Jesus Christ is the Savior of the world. "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him might not perish, but have everlasting life." John 3:16. Christ came to this earth, suffered, died, and completely sacrificed Himself...for me. For us! That's a lot of trust that we gave to Him in the beginning. I know that I wouldn't have signed up for this if there was NO WAY for me to stand back up after being "fallen." Heavenly Father would never send us to this earth if there was no way for any of us to return again! Jesus Christ did for us what no one else can. And I know that He continues to do everything He can for us! He is laboring in the vineyard with His servants! I'm not very eloquent and am not very good at expressing my feelings, but I know with my whole soul that Christ lives, that He loves us, and that He desires our salvation.
I stand by Joseph Smith. I know that he saw what he said he saw. My loyalty lies with Joseph Smith, and also with President Monson. I will defend them and stand up for them, and whatever prophets of the Latter-Days precede them further, for the rest of my life! I've read the Book of Mormon, I now read the Book of Mormon, and I will never stop reading it, because I know that it is true. A book that having read even a small part of it, that changes my entire life, whether in small ways or large ways, cannot be false. The Book of Mormon has literally changed my life! It has changed my life many times and is helping me to be molded into the covenant keeping, commandment keeping, follower of Christ that I desire to be. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is without argument the Lord's only and true Church. I am so grateful to be part of it!
My testimony isn't very deep, but it's mine, and I hope it can continue to increase as I share it with my brothers and sisters every day.
It's not too cold, and I didn't buy a coat. I'll probably call you Wednesday afternoon sometime. Let's say around 1:00 or 2:00!
Love you!

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